
Back at the Christie yesterday and the randomisation result for the trial is in .. I still can't really believe it as I didn't dare to hope, but I'm being given bispecifics! Wow, wow, wow!
The bispecific drug is epcoritamab, twelve cycles over 48 weeks, along with lenalidomide. My third line treatment was lenalidomide and that got me two years, so good to have that again along with the epcoritamab.
My first treatment is next Wednesday, then weekly for the first three cycles and monthly thereafter.
Because trials are typically standard treatment versus new treatment, when you've run out of standard treatments, trials cease to be an option (each standard treatment can only be given once). So I would've been in quite a lot of trouble next time if the randomisation had gone the wrong way, but at least now I still have the bendamustine chemo option in reserve.
It shouldn't have to be like this. The stress of the last few weeks has been almost unbearable, particularly for Jo, and there's still a long way to go as I have extensive relapsed disease and treatment still hasn't started. Plus that flip of the computer coin means someone else didn't get the newest drug treatment available. I have Wes Streeting in my sights next, immunotherapy needs to be available for all lymphoma patients as a standard treatment, not just as a trial possibility.